The Ceremony

Our Partnership Celebration is in some ways like a wedding, but in many ways very different.   We imagine at least a few of you are wondering what to expect, and what will be expected of you.

If you have any questions we don't address here, please feel free to call or email us directly.  (You can use our regular contact info, or

The Key Dates:
  • Friday, March 12th, 2010: Casual, Getting-To-Know-You Dinner for all, hosted by Emily's & David's parents (details to follow)
  • Saturday, March 13th, 2010: The Partnership Celebration (details to follow)
What The Actual Ceremony Will Be Like: Not to worry!  We will provide a detailed program of events, as well as specific guidance for everyone who will be actively involved in the ceremony.  For now, this general information might be useful:

We have been working hard to create a ceremony that will embody the things we love about each other, about our relationship, and about you, who support us and our relationship.  We haven't crafted a religious ceremony, but we hope we've crafted one with great spirit.  There will be words, and there will be quiet; there will be funniness, seriousness, breaking of bread, and time for you to participate if you feel so called.  We hope that you will!

What To Wear:
There's no required level of formality, but we encourage you to dress with these ideas in mind:
  • The most important part of "Partnership Celebration" is "celebration"!  Please wear whatever makes you feel festive.
  • The Partnership Celebration is a significant and probably unique event for us, so we'll be dressing up in a suit and evening dress.
  • Our era of choice is the 1930s, but that doesn't mean yours has to be.
  • Hats!  Lastly, with much thanks to Jessie Johnson for her enthusiasm on the subject, we're encouraging everyone who has a special hat to wear it in honor of a topping occasion.

What To Eat:
Dinner will be part of the ceremony.  There will be both a vegetarian and a fish choice available, as well as both local and exotic beverages.

How Long It Will Take:
The ceremony itself should last about an hour, with dinner and dessert to follow in the same location.

What Else:
There will be lots of surprises!

1 Comment

we look forward to this so much! what a website, very nice!

The photos are really neat, treasures, I like her style very much, and you two look so good. Beautiful, interesting, nice collaboration all around!

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  • marcy stuart: we look forward to this so much! what a website, read more
